Monday, 11 November 2013

Pearce Lake

The climb to the Upper Lake has one questioning their sanity.  However, once the objective is reached and the view is taken in, the struggles become worthwhile.  If one has Pearce Lake itself as the objective chances are that they will be disappointed. Those who continue upwards reap the rewarding views. Along the trail one will pass many small creeks until you reach the half way point to Pearce Lake.  Here there is a creek crossing which is usually completed by climbing over logs.  Just before this creek one enters a section of the trail which is simply beautiful.  The trees are substantial in size and the forest floor is carpeted with moss.  In addition in late Summer and early Fall almost a countless variety of mushrooms are there to photograph.

Upper Lake view north  Mt Cheam and Lady Peak in the distance
Waterfall between Pearce Lake and the Upper Lake
My faithful hiking buddy "Buddy" cooling off

Allow around 3 hours to reach Pearce Lake, for those with some remaining energy the climb to the Upper Lake takes another 45 minutes to an hour and to reach the peak of Mt McFarlane another 30 minutes to 1 hour.  All told the climb to the Upper Lake is around 1700 meters with the peak of McFarlane another 250. While it is possible to complete this hike in one day to do so demands that you are in peak condition.  
To reach the trail head drive to Chilliwack on the #1 Highway and take exit 119 (Vedder Road).  Drive south until you reach the 3-way stop by the river crossing.  Turn left onto Chilliwack River Road.  Zero out your odometer.  Drive past the National Defense firing range on the right for a total of 23 kilometers.  On the right will be a sign "Pearce Lake Trail".  Turn and follow the dirt road for about 300 meters.  Park here and begin your trek to the right.

For more photographs click on this link:  Pearce Lake/Mt McFarlane photos

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